University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
kontakt: joanna.skibska@us.edu.pl
Obtained her Ph.D. in Pedagogy. She works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Silesia in Katowice. She specializes in early childhood education, neurological speech and language therapy, special education, and educational therapy. She is also a certified Warnke and Tomatis method therapist (I and II level) in. Her main research interests are focused on the education of the child with special educational needs, working with children with learning difficulties, diagnostic processes and the use of different methods in therapeutic work with children with developmental disabilities. Among her major publications are: Mnemotechniki jako czynnik optymalizujący nabywanie przez dzieci umiejętności czytania pisania (IMPULS, Cracow 2012); Mnemoliterki. Ćwiczenia do wprowadzania i utrwalania liter podobnych pod względem kształtu a-o, m-n-u-w, l-ł-t, b-d-g-p z wykorzystaniem mnemotechnik (IMPULS, Cracow 2012); She is also an Editor of such monographs as: Dziecko z wadą słuchu oraz centralnymi zaburzeniami przetwarzania słuchowego (CAPD). (LIBRON, Cracow 2014) and Wspieranie rozwoju małego dziecka. (ATH, LIBRON, Bielsko-Biała – Cracow 2014). She is the Editor-in-chief of the academic journal entitled Konteksty Pedagogiczne (Pedagogical Contexts) and the organizer of the International Conference “A Teacher And A Student In The Pedagogical Theory And Practice-Contexts Of Changes”
associete editor
Holy Cross College, USA
She has a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, with a specialty in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Ottawa, Canada. She completed her post-doctoral fellowship at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, USA. Currently, she is an associate professor of psychology at Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. Her current areas of research interest pertain to the implicit theories of intelligence and their relationship to grit, stress and memory. She has published a number of scientific articles and presented at various national and international conferences.
associete editor
pre-school education
University of Szczecin, Poland
Doctor of Philosophy in pedagogy (UMCS in Lublin). She works in Early Education Department of the University of Szczecin. Her main research and scientific interest focus on preschool and early school education. She has been running post graduate studies “Preschool and Early school Education” since 1988. She is cooperating with research institutions in Poland and realizes variety of subjects concerning: teacher, child/pupil, parent in preschool/school events. In recent years she has taken part in a national research project “Preschool Children Creativity” realized in the school year 2014/2015 by Elementary Education Staff at KNP, as well as in didactic project “Contemporary problems of education of a young child” carried out with Pedagogical Faculty, University of Ostrava (2015)
Scientific achievements include variety of publications:
articles: Emocje dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym, Gorzów Wielkopolski 2014, p. 164-177; Rozwój seksualny dziecka-obszar zaniedbany, „ Przed Szkołą” 2014, nr 1, p. 4-7; Rozwój seksualny dziecka-rola rodziców i przedszkola, „ Przed Szkołą” 2014, nr 2, p. 4-9; Kompetencje nauczyciela małego dziecka, Preszów 2014, p.197-204; Świat zabawek dziecka, Katowice 2014, T. 2; Zabawa swobodna. Niedoceniane źródło wiedzy o dziecku, Cieszyn Kraków 2015, p.197-210;
sections in monographies;
editor, amongst others in: Dziecko w kontekstach edukacyjnych, Szczecin, 2010;
co editor: Obszary edukacji dziecka, Gorzów Wielkopolski,2011; Dziecko rzeczywistość, szanse i wyzwania, Gorzów Wielkopolski 2011.
associete editor
social pedagogy
University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
He holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogy. He is the vice-dean for accreditation, continuous professional education and cooperation in the Faculty of Education at the University of South Bohemia. He works as the Head of the Department of Pedagogy and in his work he focuses on the research in social pedagogy and deals with teaching methodology, andragogy, theory of education, and further professional education of the adults. He is a member of the Czech Pedagogical Society, Movement of Cooperating Schools R (Movement R), The Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Czech Republic, Czech Educational Research Association (CERA). He is also a member of several editorial boards of scientific journals as e.g. Sociální pedagogika (Social Pedagogy, CZ), International Journal of Teaching & Education (CZ), Bulletin of Pushkin Leningrad State University (RU), Bulletin of South Ural State University (RU).
associete editor
pedagogy of creativity, psychology
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
She is a professor of Pedagogy. She holds a Ph.D. both in Pedagogy and in Psychology. She is the head of the Department of Didactics and Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy as well as the head of postgraduate studies in Artetherapy at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Her research and artistic interests focus on the issues of pre-school and early school education, art education, pedagogy and psychology of creativity, psychology of art, art therapy, history of upbringing and educational training. Her major publications are: Bazgrota w twórczości plastycznej dziecka (UŚ, Katowice 2019), Znak werbalny a znak plastyczny w twórczości rysunkowej dziecka (UŚ, Katowice 2006), Kształtowanie percepcji wzrokowej jako stymulator działań plastycznych dziecka (UŚ, Cieszyn 1999).
associete editor
mathematics education
University of Rostock, Germany
He is a researcher at the Institute of School Education and Educational Research at the University of Rostock in Germany. He took part in the international PANaMa Robotics project and has cooperated with the Institute for Science and Mathematics Education at the University of Kiel, Germany. His research focuses on the education of future teachers of mathematics, early school education, mathematical education and didactics of mathematics.
associete editor
applied linguistics
Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, Ukraine
She is a professor of Pedagogy and works in the Department of Foreign Languages at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, Ukraine. She specializes in foreign language education, linguistics, professional pedagogy, English and Ukrainian philology. Her main scientific interests are in the domains of second language instruction, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, as well as the issues of information technology use in professional activity of teachers. The scope of publications reaches up to over 150 papers, among which 6 monographs, more than 100 scientific articles. The most important publications are: Current trends in teacher education: Ukrainian experience (University of Presov, Presov 2017); Strategic competence in teaching foreign languages (Vector, Tarnopol, 2012), Teaching medical students’ professional English reading on the basis of individual cognitive learning styles (Science and Education, 2018) and others. She is the author of about 40 textbooks, including English textbook for secondary school pupils (from the fourth to the eleventh grade). She is also among the members of the editorial board of a number of scientific journals, among which: The Journal of Applied Linguistic and Intercultural Studies (JALIS, the University of Ruse, Bulgaria), Scientific Papers of National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).
language editor (English texts)
University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland
She works as an associate professor at the University of Bielsko-Biala. She obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at Birkbeck College, University of London. Her main research interests include bilingualism, second language acquisition, perception and expression of emotions in the L1 and L2 as well as personality and EI traits. She has delivered papers at many international conferences and has published in international journals on the fields of bilingualism and second language acquisition. She is an author of “Emotions form a bilingual point of view: Personality and Emotional Intelligence in relation to perception and expression of emotions in the L1 and L2” (2013) and “Personality and Emotional Intelligence in Second Language Learning” (2018). She has also reviewed articles for many international journals like International Journal of Multilingualism, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, International Journal of Bilingualism, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, British Journal of Educational Technology or Journal of Language, Identity and Education.
statistical editor
Two master’s degrees at the University of Warsaw, in Social Policy and in Sociology. A researcher and a data analyst with many years of experience in market research. Has an experience in quantitative research gained at TNS Poland – one of the leading market research agencies. In the past was giving classes at University of Warsaw in the field of SPSS-based statistical data analysis. His main area of expertise includes multidimensional data analysis e.g. cluster analysis, factor analysis and regression models. He is a co-author of following publications: “The use of flexible forms of employment and organization of work in Łódzkie voivodship” and “The analysis of content of online job advertisements” commissioned by Regionalne Obserwatorium Rynku Pracy w Łodzi. Currently works at central office of Mindshare media agency in London, where manages an international research about media consumption. He also owns a company under the name of Pezet Research which conducts studies for public institutions.