The Role of Interpersonal Communication Style in the Teacher-Student Relationship
Konteksty Pedagogiczne nr 1(14)/2020


communication style
school communication

How to Cite

ROSZKOWSKA, A.; TREPKA-STAROSTA, J. The Role of Interpersonal Communication Style in the Teacher-Student Relationship. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 14, p. 9–25, 2020. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2020.1.14.240. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Communication skills are mentioned in pedagogical literature more and more often. In the contemporary school, the teacher is expected not only to transfer knowledge, but also to support and advise the student in finding the best solutions; they are also expected to be flexible and ready to stimulate the student’s initiative and to shape their independence and creativity. Many scientists have been thinking for a long time about what it is that has the greatest impact on the results achieved by students in the teaching process, and what characteristics and skills should the teacher have to make them do their best work.
In connection with the above, the study attempted to deter¬mine whether or not (and to what extent) the teacher’s communication affects the assessment of the quality of student-teacher relations, the anxiety felt by the student in the relationship with the teacher, and whether the manner of communication conducted by the teacher affects the assessment of students’ own competences.
The study involved 144 students in grades 6-8. The obtained results show that the teacher’s effort to use nondirective ways of communication has enormous potential and can pay off in both the broadly understood individual development of the student and in the strengthening of bonds and development of social competences within the structure formed by the class team.


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