Primary education in the context of shaping the motivation for learning. An overview of the phenomenon in a context of the research
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motivation for learning
self-determination theory
ormative assessment
educational conditions
the source of motivation
motivation factors

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MICHALAK, R. Primary education in the context of shaping the motivation for learning. An overview of the phenomenon in a context of the research . Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 7, 2016. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2016.2.7.119. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The success in any field of human activities, including learning, de-pends on motivation. According to the self-determination theory of E. Deci and R. Ryan, supporting social environment can increase motivation, mainly through organizing conditions for satisfying three innate psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. The article presents empirical results of pupils ex-periences regarding educational sources of motivation for learning.
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