Education with emotions – the importance of emotional support for development and in the education of children and adolescents
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development of children’s emotions
relations: students–teachers
in-fluence of emotional support on children’s development
emotional intelligence

How to Cite

ASTASZOW, B. Education with emotions – the importance of emotional support for development and in the education of children and adolescents. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 10, p. 49–60, 2018. DOI: 10.19265/KP.2018.11049. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Although knowledge and awareness about the importance of emo-tions in teaching and communication with children is quite developed, in practice it still clashes with the traditional model of education and beliefs regard-ing the role of the school. Interactions between teachers and students are often considered less important than the substantive content of the subjects. The re-sults of the research, as well as the author’s personal experience as a didactic and trainer, indicate that young people often pay attention to the lack of emotional support from teachers, which results in difficulties both in school and in their personal life. The aim of this article is to draw attention to emotional aspects of development and the role of teachers in these processes, which are crucial for functioning and building relationships in adult life. The author cites concepts and research that confirm that teacher emotional support is an important pre-dictor of children’s educational achievements and the development of their social skills. The subject seems to be more important in the face of contemporary reali-ties. The ubiquitous transformation and technological leap cause that the area of education also requires reevaluation and new directions of action.
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