Art Therapy as an Educational Intervention Focused on Social Relations of Children at a Younger School Age


art therapy
peer relations
educational innovations
stimulation of the emotional and social development
early age education

How to Cite

SZCZELINA-SZCZOTKA, A. Art Therapy as an Educational Intervention Focused on Social Relations of Children at a Younger School Age. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 12, p. 105–119, 2019. DOI: 10.19265/KP.2019.112105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


At their first stage of education, children face the intensified process of acquiring emotional and social competence, as well as developing interpersonal relations. It is of crucial value to make this process go smoothly and be well stimulated. In this era of modern threats, this process poses a challenge for teachers, forcing them to seek innovational and attractive educational methods which will enable them to have a gentle impact on the personal motivation of a young learner in his or her emotional and social abilities of interpersonal peer relations. This text is a description of research in the area of the use of art therapy in early learner education in the scope of their interpersonal relations. The author tries to demonstrate that art therapy can become a major key in resolving educational obstacles and can have a positive impact on interpersonal relations of children in their early education.


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