The Creativity-Fostering School as a Duty and Challenge of the Present Day
Konteksty Pedagogiczne nr 2(15)/2020


creative school
creative culture at school
organizational development of the school

How to Cite

CUDOWSKA, A. The Creativity-Fostering School as a Duty and Challenge of the Present Day. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 15, p. 333–346, 2020. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2020.2.15.285. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


The article outlines in a synthetic way the idea of the creative school. Its understanding is presented in the context of some of the pedagogical concepts from the 1930s as well as contemporary approaches in Polish and world pedagogy. The features of a school supporting the creativity of students and teachers are highlighted. The concept of building a culture of creativity in school is presented, included in a discussion of the philosophy of change and development of the school as a learn-ing organization. The dialogical nature of activities undertaken in the educational environment by ethically engaged partici-pants of educational processes is emphasized as well as the role of the teacher as an authorized creator of the culture of creativ-ity, who reflects on his/her professional activity, perceives the school as a place for students’ development and realization of their own potential, and appreciates the thinking and creative actions of students and colleagues. The article also indicates the specific features of a culture conducive to creativity in school, enabling the learning of creativity and creative learning, as well as shaping creative life orientations of students and teachers.


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