The modification of meanings in the contemporary adaptations of folk fables in the context of education
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folk fable
movie adaptation
modification of meanings and impacts
the change of encultural properties

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PRZYBYŁA-DUMIN, A. The modification of meanings in the contemporary adaptations of folk fables in the context of education. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, 2014. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2014.1.2.55. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


A folk fable was one of the folk genres that had the unusually sig­nificant educative importance. Through the simplicity and generalization of the construction of a story plot, the lack of descriptive elements, aiming at universal depictions, the binary system of characters and the optimistic ending showing the victory of good over evil, the folk fable presented the world of values and shaped their hierarchy. The human characters, deprived of the psychological depth, represented certain morally unambiguous types and were an inexhaustible treasure trove of patterns of behaviour. Unfortunately, the field researches have shown that during the 20th century the folk fables started to vanish from the oral transmission. This makes us ask ourselves a question whether the contemporary adaptations perform the same significant functions as folk fables did, since the realization of them is still necessary for humankind. The author of the following study analyzes three screen adaptations, discussing what picture of the world and a human is given by them and if, therefore, they can perform the same functions as folk fables or, perhaps, their impact is different.
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