Because I represent interactional theory of creativity, and I want to explore and talk about creativity (in the full sense of the word) personality traits are taken into account, the creative process, the properties of creative work and lifestyle. When I take into account only one of the aspects I talk about subjective creativity. For these reasons, this text focuses on the verbal subjective creativity of students class I–III, which is an integral sphere of their lives. They create their own language, as soon as they hear what others say to him or her. In natural situations, verbal subjective creativity of the child can be seen in two ways: as a creative language learning and as its creative use. In the first case emphasizes that the child ran onto a language not just by imitation. In the process of learn-ing a language student creates it at the same time, so the overlap are two ways of acquiring it: creation and imitation. Mastering the language and using it in social situations and cognition are inseparable from creative activity. Language is a tool for a child with which the child communicates with the environment, material for artistic activity and object recognition. The more variety of situations requiring the usage of language encounters the child, the more you have the op-portunity to shape in the belief that language is a very variable, flexible „creation” which gives many opportunities to express the same content in a different way.
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