There is a need in Ukraine to create special conditions in higher educational institutions to serve the increasing number of people with special needs. Inclusive education involves the creation of an educational environment that meets the needs and capabilities of the child, regardless of the characteristics of his or her psychophysical development.
Our work focuses on the study of the “leadership potential of the individual.” This is defined as a socio-psychological characteristic of the individual, reflecting the ability to influence the environment through one’s own personal resources.
It has been found that a leader should have the maximum influence on the group’s life. A leader must represent the group values. Also, he or she should be able to take responsibility for the group and be focused on the common tasks. The task was to determine whether the level of leadership development depends on the availability of special needs for high school students. A set of diagnostic methods was used for the purpose of pedagogical diagnostics: the technique “Diagnosis of motivation for success and fears of failure,” the technique for determination of leadership potential and the method “Leadership Self-assessment.”
The conducted diagnostic research made it possible to state that the students’ special needs are not significant obstacles for the development of their leadership qualities. The results showed that high and average levels of leadership potential prevail. We believe that if proper conditions in a general school for children with special needs are created, they can become active civic activists and charismatic leaders.
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