The study provides considerations for becoming a reflective practitioner and innovator by special educators in the context of transformations of the modern world. In the reference to the pedagogical literature of the subject, such competences are considered important in preparing for the profession and day-to-day work of each teacher, including a special educator, but this is not sufficiently evident in the academic education and practice carried out. The text of the article is separated by subtitles. First, there are discussed the unexpected challenges and dynamic changes that education practices encountered at the turn of the second and third decades of the 21st century, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Subsequently, attention has been drawn to the changing needs, but also to the drawbacks in the training of special educators and the possibility of pursuing the profession of special education teacher in an era of transformation of the education system. The presented considerations take into account the current context, in reference to the mechanisms of change taking place in the 21st century, focused on technological, political and cultural issues. As an important part of shaping the competence of a reflective practitioner and an innovator in the university students there is also considered their participation in the diploma seminar and their preparation of the thesis. This is discussed in conjunction with their academic activity which is created with the framework of their study plan in earlier years. The experiences acquired in this way should allow the future teachers the acquisition of skills for the daily work based on using scientific knowledge, doing research and diagnostic procedures (evidence-based practice). The current state of facts has been critically assessed, though. The conclusions inform that the need for and action taken to shape reflection and innovation in the academic education of future special educators as well as the need to improve these competences for active professionals is underestimated. It is therefore proposed to introduce changes in this regard.
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