Constructivism in a teacher’s work gives his pupils the ability to explore their own layers of knowledge and allows to change their views on new, self-constructed knowledge. The implementation of the constructivist method in the work of a teacher educating pupils with special educational needs is a challenging task, specifically in the case of children with sensory impairment. Many special educators, including those in the deaf education field are choosing the constructivist method of transferring knowledge. The search of methods and development of educational programs in a way that they are close to the child with hearing impairment and provide possibilities of knowledge exploring has been greatly disturbed by the COVID-19 pandemic. People’s health and lives have become a new determinant of new forms of education. Avoiding a virus infection from one another has moved the education from schools and educational facilities to the internet, thus creating a new remote form of knowledge sharing. This situation has not been predicted by anyone before. It created a disorder of everyday life on its every dimension: private, family, professional, economic and educational. Chaos appeared in the once planned and methodical work of a teacher and his pupils. Tutors and their pupils, including those with special educational needs found themselves in the situation that required working with the use of ICT technology. The teachers and special education specialists, tirelessly caring for the best education effects, are now going through the difficult remote education process along with their pupils with special educational needs. The previously used methods of work cannot be used any longer. The aim of the article is to show the specificity of professional activity of a surdopedagog and surdopedagog-constructivist during distance learning, while improving their teaching skills in this mode of education.
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