Lateralization – the process of shaping one side of the body’s functional advantage. There are various types of lateralization. For many years, left-handedness was considered as a pathologic condition. However, this tendency stopped over time. Current views are based on the assumption that hemispheric alterations cannot be reduced to one dimension. It is reckoned that both hemispheres create a system, where each one plays an equally important role. It is not considered that the dominance of one of the hands is beneficial. The reasons of the handedness have not been known well yet. There are many hypotheses trying to explain this phenomenon. At present, there are disputes about different variants of laterality and their predictor’s potential to learning disabilities in childhood. According to the presented data, left-handedness is as phenomenon with a complex neurobiological background, and its implications are complementary. The aim of the study is to demonstrate this occurrence using data from neurobiological, neuropsychological and neuropedagogical discourses.
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