Micromanagement or macromanagement? Diagnostic procedures of management styles in the selected educational institutions – a pilot study


educational institution management
student needs

How to Cite

SZAST, M.; MORSKA, L. Micromanagement or macromanagement? Diagnostic procedures of management styles in the selected educational institutions – a pilot study. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 20, p. 147–163, 2023. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2023.1.20.378. Disponível em: https://kontekstypedagogiczne.pl/kp/article/view/378. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The theoretical background for the article is derived from the review of the literature in the field of educational and general management theory, sociology of organizations, pedagogy as well as child development. The authors pursued a goal to diagnose the management style from the micro- and macro perspectives, based on a pilot study involving specifically designed in-depth interview. The key research focus was located around the role of people in charge and their management functions in educational institutions. The selection of respondents was carried out on a non-randomized basis; the research sample included two school principals, one kindergarten director, and one person temporarily performing the functions of a school principal at the time of the interview. The research results have been discussed in relation to the current strategies of educational institution management science. The study findings made it possible to conclude that school managers prefer micromanagement, being more content with its seeming efficiency. The reluctance to introduce changes appears for the reason of “comfort” for the work of the whole school team. The selected strategy predetermines the fact that the performance on the ongoing tasks arising from the operation of schools is seen as more significant for both managers and employees than a long-term development policy aimed at the well-being of all the school stakeholders.



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