The Importance of Relaxing Music in the Educational Process
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relaxing music

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CIUPKA, S. The Importance of Relaxing Music in the Educational Process . Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 5, 2015. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2015.2.5.89. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


A teacher working in a modern school is obliged to shape and enrich personalities of entrusted to him or her young people and hence to assist them in their way to develop their potential. In the process of shaping children’s and young people personality music performs a significant role. It directly affects the emotional state of human and becomes an important means of social interaction. The aim of this study is to attempt to draw attention that a certain kind of music – relaxing music – is becoming an important element of the human development.In our view, relaxing music becomes a kind of language that conveys important pedagogical content often impossible to express verbally. This type of music used by a teacher as part of the educational processes has a significant impact on human emotions and moods. It may calm, stimulate, create specific moods, reduce stress. The impact of relaxing music on the human emotional states may be, under certain circumstances, greater than the impact of verbal or visual arts. Applied in educational activities relaxing music allows to teach innovatively and creatively, it is the realization of children’s right to awake interest in acquiring knowledge. It stimulates the natural instinct of curiosity. The above mentioned goals of conducting classes with the use of relaxing music are the foundations of the following study.
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