Upbringing as a common ground of cooperation between primary school teachers and parents based on the comparative research done in Poland and Hungary
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RECZEK-ZYMRÓZ, Łucja. Upbringing as a common ground of cooperation between primary school teachers and parents based on the comparative research done in Poland and Hungary. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 10, p. 109–125, 2018. DOI: 10.19265/KP.2018.110109. Disponível em: https://kontekstypedagogiczne.pl/kp/article/view/172. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The present text deals with the cooperation between teachers and parents in the field of upbringing. The analysis of ranges, aims, forms of co-operation and factors stimulating its effectiveness was conducted based on the research done among 90 primary school teachers from Poland and 120 from Hungary. The cooperation between teachers and parents rests on e.g. exchange of experience and it is a significant factor supporting the comprehensive children’s development. This close cooperation enables early diagnosis and elimination of critical problems.

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