Pedagogical education of preschool children parents as a space for the professional activity of teachers
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pedagogical culture
pedagogical education of parents
professional career

How to Cite

MUSIAŁ, E. Pedagogical education of preschool children parents as a space for the professional activity of teachers. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 7, 2016. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2016.2.7.126. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Pedagogical education of parents as a specific form of cooperation between a preschool and the family home is a process aimed at developing a “cul-ture of teaching” by continually shaping the educational attitudes of the moth-ers and fathers by improving their pedagogical, psychological and sociological knowledge. These activities might be otherwise defined as “education for educa-tion”, in which mothers and fathers improve and develop the quality of their family skills and roles. First of all, this type of “education” has a chance to be initiated by a preschool teacher. Second of all,any proposals for cooperation with parents should be presented in the preschool statutes. In order to support, enrich and modify parental attitudes and behaviors such educational offer needs to be well advertised and parents should not feel obliged to take part in it.
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