Syntactic and Semantic Difficulty of Text in the History Part of Textbooks for the Educational Field of the „Human and His World”


syntactic and semantic difficulty
history textbook
primary school

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ŠIMIK, O. . Syntactic and Semantic Difficulty of Text in the History Part of Textbooks for the Educational Field of the „Human and His World”. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 8, 2017. DOI: 10.19265/KP.2017.018183. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


The article presents the results of the research regarding the syntactic and semantic difficulty in Czech history textbooks for the first level of primary school. We examined a total of 13 textbooks from 7 publishers. The Nestler-Průcha-Pluskal method was used for analysis. The results show that the overall difficulty of text ranges between 19–27 points, which can be evaluated as adequate text difficulty for the given year. Syntactic difficulty oscillates between 7–12 points and the average length of a sentence is around 12 words. The semantic difficulty of text is somewhat higher (between 10–16 points) compared to the syntactic (around 9 points). We identified greater differences in the semantic difficulty of text. The statistically significant differences are among the individual themed units. Topics related to modern history (19th and 20th century) appear to be more diffi-cult. The density coefficient of expert information in the total number of concepts ranges around 27%, which is seen as relatively low difficulty in comparison to other research. It is however adequate to the given (4th and 5th) grade.


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