Does teaching english to children with autism make sense(based on the opinions of autistic children’s parents)?
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Kanner’s autism
autistic spectrum
parents of an autistic child
English language
teaching English

How to Cite

ZAORSKA, M. .; TRAJDOWSKA, J. Does teaching english to children with autism make sense(based on the opinions of autistic children’s parents)?. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, 2013. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2013.1.1.45. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Kanner’s autism is considered a complex and severe disorder of child development. Controversy surrounds not only its etiology, symptoms (including symptoms observed in the area of interpersonal communication) or treatment possibilities, but also education – at its various levels – of people influenced by its effects. Accordingly, the idea of teaching autistic children a foreign language, e.g. English, is the subject of a heated debate – opinions are divided both among spe-cialists working with autistic children and among autistic children’s parents. The article presents the results of studies conducted among parents of autistic children, focusing on their opinions concerning the viability and usefulness of teaching English to autistic children and its influence on their general development.
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