Sensitizing Children to the Aesthetics of the Culture of Everyday Life
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culture of everyday life
child’s aesthetics

How to Cite

FERENZ, K. Sensitizing Children to the Aesthetics of the Culture of Everyday Life . Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 5, 2015. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2015.2.5.86. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Sensitiveness is an ability to receive subtle feelings and emotions. This typically human feature can develop under the influence of experiences with people and contacts with nature. Contacts with art are specific type of contact whereas, childhood is a special period of sensitiveness. It is a time when we shape our conscious reception and aesthetic evaluation. Children’s aesthetic or-ganizes his/her knowledge and gained experience according to simple diagrams. For children what is good is nice, and vice versa. Gradually, through learning and understanding they build the foundations of personal preference. Subjective recognition and perception of ethical and aesthetic values builds and organizes the world, so that it is understandable for a child at the current level of his/her development. If the conditions are conducive, the ability of aesthetic reception develops, if they are not potential possibilities are forfeited. The process of sen-sitizing is a way of preparation for a critical interpretation of human activity in terms of culture and nature.
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