An overview of communicative teacher-student interactions
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teacher-­learner communication
eacher-­learner relations
hierarchy in school

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ZALEWSKA-BUJAK, M. An overview of communicative teacher-student interactions. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 9, 2017. DOI: 10.19265/KP.2017.02959. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


A teacher is to be responsible for the course of communicative situa­tions in a classroom. First of all, s/he is to be responsible for the communication with learners, which requires among others a recognition of the equal status of subjects in the process of communication, as well as unhindered expression of thoughts, opinions, attitudes and feelings. The present text, based mainly on teachers’ narrative perspectives, is an attempt to demonstrate that teachers treat learners like objects. It describes teachers who implement and follow the imposed top­down requirements related to teaching contents in order to achieve high teaching results, as well as those who want to maintain the unbalanced commu­nication with their learners by implementing and sustaining higher status in this relation. These teachers could be also characterised by a constant lack of estab­lishing the mutual consensus and agreement with students while instilling their role of a main sender of a message what seems to impair the mutual communica­tion, putting a young person in the position of a receiver and continual listener.
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