Supporting the development of computational thinkingin children attending grades I–III of elementary schoolwith the use of new technologies as part of multimedia workshops with the EMPIRIA tablets


computational thinking
IT education
multimedia workshops

How to Cite

BUDZISZEWSKA, G.; MUSIAŁ, E. Supporting the development of computational thinkingin children attending grades I–III of elementary schoolwith the use of new technologies as part of multimedia workshops with the EMPIRIA tablets. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 11, p. 39–53, 2018. DOI: 10.19265/KP.2018.21139. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Nowadays, expected citizens’ competencies in the field of digital technology go far beyond the traditionally understood computer literacy and proficiency in using technology. Of course, these skills are still needed, but they are not sufficient in the times when computer science is becoming a common language of almost every field of life and equips them with new tools. The basic task of the school – literacy in the field of reading, writing and calculating – requires to be expanded by the literacy in the field of computer programming skills, which is essentially a systematic problem solving consisting of four sta-ges: decomposition, i.e. dividing a given problem into components; identifi-cation of occurring in it regularities, i.e. analysis, abstracting, i.e.; eliminating irrelevant elements and creating an algorithm, i.e. solving a given problem step-by-step problem. In computational thinking, the role of the computer is emphasized (then it is a kind of data arranging and formulating problems and solutions in such a way that they are understandable also for compu-ters and adds stages related to translating a solution into a language intelligible for a computer – programming, including coding, and also finding other appli-cations of a given algorithm solutions adapting to other contexts ( ). Empiria organizes specialized workshops with the use of modern technologies whose aim is to integrate and expand the content of the core curriculum in the field of education, primarily IT education, according to the assumption that in the future children will become creators of digital culture, instead of being only its passive recipients. Practical training, which is carried out through tablets accessible to each participant, is the most impor-tant part of the classes. The values that Empiria follows are: modern education (using mobile technologies), empirical cognition (continuous and practical activity), mobility (availability of company services throughout Poland), joy, inspiration, freedom.


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