A Low Vision Student at a Younger School Age in Public School. A Case Study
Konteksty Pedagogiczne nr 2(15)/2020


visual impairment
individual case

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TWARÓG-KANUS, A. A Low Vision Student at a Younger School Age in Public School. A Case Study. Pedagogical Contexts, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 15, p. 277–298, 2020. DOI: 10.19265/kp.2020.2.15.282. Disponível em: https://kontekstypedagogiczne.pl/kp/article/view/282. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


In the case of visual impairment, compensatory activities are focused on early intervention and diagnosis combined with a programme for the development of visual skills, especially in public schools, where importance is attached to educational success and the development of individual personality traits, as well as adapting the support, rehabilitation and education programme to the person with special educational needs. The challenges of cooperation with a visually impaired student are related to the equaling of educational opportunities, combining theoretical content with practical action, searching for programmes, the use of technology and communication (TiK), and working with the child’s resources. Vision impairments affect school difficulties in the cognitive, social, emotional, volitional and physical field. The unadjusted refractive defect (especially hyperopia) and weakened binocular vision contribute to creating an individual model of working with the child with visual impairment. The presented case study shows supporting and therapeutic actions, with emphasis on the use of solution-oriented therapy.



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